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What is CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing)?

CWDM wavelength

Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) is an optical networking technology that increases the bandwidth of existing networks. Learn all about CWDM, how it differs from DWDM, and whether a CWDM solution is right for your business’s network.

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What is Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing?

Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) is a kind of Wavelength Division Multiplexing – a technology used to expand the capacity of fibre optic networks. It enables multiple data streams to be transmitted over different light wavelengths through a single fibre.

How does CWDM work?

CWDM uses a multiplexer to divide the light wavelengths into different channels, each carrying a separate data stream.

The channels are combined and transmitted over a single fibre optic cable. At the receiving end, a demultiplexer separates the wavelengths into the original channels. This allows multiple independent data streams to be transmitted over a single fibre.

CWDM is called “coarse” because the gaps between each channel's wavelengths are much larger than in Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM).

What is the difference between CWDM and DWDM?

Both CWDM and DWDM are technologies used to increase the capacity of fibre networks, but they divide up the available optical wavelengths differently. Here’s how they differ.

Wavelength range and spacing

CWDM and DWDM use different wavelength ranges and spacing:

  • CWDM operates in the 1270-1610 nanometre (nm) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It usually spaces wavelengths 20nm apart.
  • DWDM operates on the C band (1525nm to 1565nm) or L band (1570nm to 1610nm). Wavelength spacing varies, but it’s far narrower than that of CWDM: 0.4nm for a typical DWDM system with up to 88 channels.

Number of channels

As DWDM wavelengths are much closer together than those of CWDM, DWDM can pack in significantly more channels:

  • CWDM typically uses eight channels but can support up to 18 or more.
  • DWDM provides up to 88 channels or more, depending on the multiplexing technique used.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has standardised the nominal wavelengths and channels for CWDM (G.694.2) and DWDM (G.694.1), as shown in the comparison below.

CWDM vs DWDM: Comparing wavelengths and channels

Diagram comparing the available channels and wavelengths of CWDM (typical 8-channel plan) and DWDM (typical 88-channel plan)



CWDM wavelength spacing is not suitable for signal amplification, so its range is limited compared to DWDM:

  • CWDM is typically used for distances up to 80km (50 miles). It’s commonly used in short-haul, metropolitan or regional networks
  • DWDM wavelengths can be amplified to support transmission distances of hundreds or thousands of kilometres. It’s ideal for regional or long-distance networks.


CWDM systems tend to be cheaper to set up and run than DWDM networks:

  • CWDM’s “coarse” wavelength spacing typically requires fewer, simpler components than DWDM.
  • DWDM uses more sophisticated laser equipment to control wavelengths more precisely and amplify signals for longer distances.

Although the price difference between CWDM and DWDM equipment has narrowed, CWDM systems can be cheaper to install per kilometre than DWDM deployments.

What is CWDM suitable for?

CWDM is a low-cost, relatively high-capacity optical networking solution that’s ideal for a range of networks over shorter distances. Here are some common use cases for CWDM solutions:

Metro access networks

CWDM is often used to interconnect multiple locations in a city or metropolitan area. It’s a cost-effective technology for metro access networks or metropolitan area networks.

ISP connectivity

Internet service providers (ISPs) may use CWDM over passive optical networks to provide fibre to the premises – the “last mile” supplying ultrafast broadband to homes and businesses. In addition, ISPs may deploy CWDM to transmit data between their data centres or points of presence (PoPs).

Enterprise networks

For businesses, CWDM provides a low-cost way to interconnect different offices or data centres in a local area. For example, it can provide scalable connectivity across a business park, city or region.

Data centres

Data centre businesses require high-capacity, low-latency links between storage systems. With CWDM, they can reduce the number of fibres needed while maintaining sufficient bandwidth.

Video distribution

Broadcasters and streaming services can use CWDM to transmit multiple channels of ultra-high-definition content over a single fibre. Similarly, CWDM may be suitable for interconnecting local video surveillance systems.

Overall, CWDM offers a simple way to increase your fibre network’s capacity using existing infrastructure. However, DWDM can give you far more channels, longer distance connections and greater bandwidth.

Optical wavelength solutions for your business

Ultimately, your choice of networking technology depends on your business needs and budget. If you’re looking to upgrade your network to meet the ever-increasing bandwidth demands of AI, 5G and IoT, we can help.

At Neos Networks, we’re helping businesses nationwide transform their networks with Optical Wavelengths up to 400Gbps and other high-capacity connectivity.

Get ultrafast, low latency Optical Wavelengths

Supercharge your network up to 400Gbps

We’ll be happy to design a scalable network to future-proof your business.

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What is a network-to-network interface (NNI)?

Network-to-network interface

A network-to-network interface (NNI) is a connection between different networks. We explain NNIs, how they work, and how they can help you expand your business connectivity quickly and efficiently.

What is a network-to-network interface (NNI)

In telecommunications, a network-to-network interface (NNI), also known as a network node interface, is a physical or virtual connection between two or more different networks. It defines the signalling and network management between two networks, allowing them to communicate seamlessly regardless of the underlying protocols they use.

Like an efficient motorway interchange that allows smooth traffic flow between different roads, NNIs ensure data moves smoothly from one network to another.

What are NNIs used for?

Telecom providers use network-to-network interfaces to connect to other network operators. Typically located in data centres or points of presence (PoPs), NNIs ensure seamless data exchange between the networks of different service providers.

Example NNI connecting two network service providers

Example of network-to-network interface connecting two network service providers


In addition, network service providers may use NNIs to interconnect or expand their own networks. For example, UK providers use exchange backhaul and NNIs to extend high-capacity gigabit connectivity nationwide.

NNIs are also a vital component of internet exchange points (IXPs). They interconnect multiple internet service providers (ISPs), enabling them to exchange network traffic.

How does a network-to-network interface work?

Simply put, a network-to-network interface defines how two interlinked networks communicate. For example, it specifies the physical connections and data formats to allow seamless data exchange. It also exchanges routing and signalling information to ensure network traffic is routed efficiently.

Exactly how NNIs work depends on the type of networks involved. For instance, MPLS-based networks use protocols like Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) to route traffic.

To maintain performance across networks, NNIs typically support Quality of Service (QoS) and Service-Level Agreements (SLAs). They may also include encryption and authentication controls to ensure security.

How can NNIs help your business?

NNIs offer several benefits for businesses and network service providers looking to expand their networks or connect to other carriers. Among the advantages of NNIs are:

  • Interoperability: NNIs interconnect networks with different networking protocols and architectures, allowing seamless data exchange between providers.
  • Flexibility: Designed to work with various networking technologies, NNIs can connect different network types.
  • Scalability: By connecting multiple existing networks, NNIs allow you to scale up without investing in new network infrastructure.
  • Quality: With support for QoS, traffic engineering and SLAs, NNIs can help you prioritise traffic and guarantee service levels across networks.
  • Simplicity: Interconnecting multiple networks enables you to centralise and streamline network management.

In short, NNIs can enable you to interconnect or expand your network as efficiently as possible, minimising costly changes to your underlying network architecture.

NNI solutions with Neos Networks

At Neos Networks, we’re helping businesses and network service providers grow with our high capacity network. Boost your network by connecting to NNIs in over 20 data centres and selected exchanges nationwide.

Joining our ultrafast network gives you:

  • Flexibility: Extend your reach with 550 unbundled exchanges and 90 on-net data centres across the UK.
  • Scalability: Connect to 1Gbps, 10Gbps or 100Gbps NNIs using Ethernet or Optical Wavelengths.
  • High availability: Get up to 99.95% uptime with secondary backup routing and monitoring from our Network Operation Centre 24/7, 365 days a year.
  • Quality of Service: Configure QoS and SLAs with NNIs to optimise resources and guarantee performance across networks.
  • Fast deployment: Quote and order online with our connectivity pricing tool, LIVEQUOTE.

If you’re a larger business with multiple dispersed sites, our point-to-NNI services enable you to interconnect your sites efficiently with bandwidths you can scale as you grow.


Point to NNI Ethernet


For growing network service providers, backhaul and NNIs are a quick and cost-effective way to extend your reach.

We’re already helping UK service providers like Colt leverage NNIs to expand gigabit connectivity nationwide, so get in touch. We’ll be happy to help you supercharge your network.

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What is 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE)?

10 Gigabit Ethernet

10 Gigabit Ethernet is an ultrafast business Ethernet service that provides reliable, low latency connectivity. We explain 10 Gigabit Ethernet, how it differs from other Ethernet services and how it could benefit your business.

Get high-bandwidth business Ethernet

What is Gigabit Ethernet?

Gigabit Ethernet is a networking technology based on Ethernet standards that provides data transfer rates up to 1 billion bits per second, or 1 gigabit per second (1Gbps).

Standardised by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in 1999, Gigabit Ethernet is an evolution of Fast Ethernet, which delivers speeds of 10 or 100 megabits per second (Mbps). It works over copper-based cables or fibre optic cables.

As Gigabit Ethernet is fully compatible with earlier Ethernet standards, it’s often deployed in enterprise backbone networks serving 10/100 Mbps local area networks (LANs).

What is 10 Gigabit Ethernet?

10 Gigabit Ethernet – also known as 10GbE, 10GE, or 10G Ethernet – is a networking standard that offers data speeds up to 10 billion bits per second (10Gbps).

Released in 2002, 10 Gigabit Ethernet offers significantly higher data transfer speeds than Fast Ethernet (100Mbps) or Gigabit Ethernet (1Gpbs). Like Gigabit Ethernet, 10GbE can run over fibre optic or copper cables.

With its higher bandwidth and lower latency, 10GbE is being widely adopted in enterprise LANs and wide area networks (WANs) to address the growing data demands of artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and IoT.

What is the difference between 10Gb Ethernet and 1Gb Ethernet?

10Gb Ethernet differs from 1Gb Ethernet in its data transfer speed, use cases, implementation and cost:

  • Speed: 10GbE provides up to ten times faster data transfer speeds than 1GbE. 10GbE takes advantage of the full-duplex protocol, meaning it can transmit up to 10Gbps of data in both directions simultaneously.
  • Use cases: 1GbE is used in various scenarios, from home networks to business environments. By contrast, 10GbE is typically used in high-performance enterprise applications like data centres, storage area networks and cloud computing infrastructure.
  • Implementation: 1GbE commonly uses Category 5e twisted-pair copper cables for connections up to 100 metres and fibre optic cables over longer distances. 10GbE typically uses Category 6 or 6A short-distance cables, fibre cabling for longer distances, and 10GbE-capable switches, network interface cards, and routers.
  • Cost: 1GbE hardware tends to be cheaper than 10GbE equipment because it’s less sophisticated. However, the cost difference between the two is narrowing as technology improves.

Despite its significantly better performance, 10GbE remains fully interoperable with 1GbE and earlier Ethernet standards.

10GbE-enabled router showing 1G and 10G Ethernet ports

10GbE-enabled router showing 1G and 10G Ethernet ports


How does 10 Gigabit Ethernet work?

10 Gigabit Ethernet operates like other Ethernet services, using a similar format of frames and packets to transmit data. That’s why it’s fully compatible with traditional Ethernet and easy to integrate into existing networks. However, there are significant differences between 10GbE and traditional Ethernet.

First, 10 Gigabit Ethernet achieves a higher data transmission rate by encoding and modulating data differently, depending on the type of cabling used.

Second, 10GbE is designed to operate in full-duplex mode only. That means it simultaneously transmits data in both directions on one channel, improving network efficiency and reducing latency.

Like 1Gbps Ethernet, 10GbE can use various types of fibre optic or copper cabling, depending on the purpose and reach of the network.

Get high-bandwidth business Ethernet

Types of 10 Gigabit Ethernet

The IEEE has introduced various 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards for LANs, WANs and other applications over different distances. Copper-based cables can be used for connections up to 100 metres. For longer distances, 10GbE uses:

  • Multimode fibre, which divides the light signal into multiple paths for different channels, with a range of up to 300 metres
  • Single-mode fibre, featuring a single path, suitable for longer distances up to 40km (25 miles) or more

Here are some common 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards in order of maximum reach.

Common types of 10 Gigabit Ethernet

Name IEEE standard Cable Max distance
10GBASE-CX4 802.3ak-2004 Copper (twinaxial) 15m
10GBASE-T 802.3an-2006 Copper (twisted pair) 100m
10GBASE-LRM 802.3aq-2006 Fibre (multimode) 220m
(for LAN/WAN)
802.3ae-2002 Fibre (multimode) 300m
(for LAN/WAN)
802.3ae-2002 Fibre (single mode) 10km (6 miles)
(for LAN/WAN)
802.3ae-2002 Fibre (single mode)

40km (25 miles)


In addition to IEEE standards, several manufacturers offer proprietary 10GbE types, such as 10GBASE-ZR/ZW, with a maximum range of 80km (50 miles).

What are the benefits of 10GbE?

Many advanced computers and mobile devices can now read files at speeds of 10Gbps. However, when numerous devices connect and share data over your network, bottlenecks may occur.

10 Gigabit Ethernet solves this problem. With 10GbE, you can achieve speeds up to 10Gbps for content downloads or uploads.

While it may cost more than 1GbE to implement, the benefits can more than offset the expense. With 10GbE, you can:

  • Prevent data bottlenecks even when multiple computers share bandwidth in a server cluster
  • Boost employee productivity with a more stable connection, eliminating interruptions and delays
  • Improve customer response times, especially when many customers and employees are connected at the same time
  • Simplify your IT by increasing your connection speeds using one server instead of combining multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports
  • Strengthen your security with a fully contained fibre network that requires physical access to the router

Overall, 10 Gigabit Ethernet provides much higher bandwidth and lower latency than 1GbE, making it suitable for data-hungry enterprise applications.

What is 10 Gigabit Ethernet used for?

10 Gigabit Ethernet is used in various business applications where high speed and low latency are critical, including:

  • Data centres: interconnecting data centres, servers, storage systems and networking equipment
  • Network service providers: enabling backbone networks and ensuring reliable services for customers
  • Cloud computing: connecting cloud environments and providing virtual services
  • Banking and financial services: enabling real-time trading transactions and reliable customer service
  • Media and entertainment: handling large files for video and other content creation
  • Education and research: connecting universities and research organisations for collaboration and data sharing

Whatever your business, a 1Gbps Ethernet connection can lead to bottlenecks. For example, when 100 devices share a 1GbE connection, each is limited to 10Mbps throughput, which can slow down or interrupt connections.

That’s why many UK businesses are turning to 10GbE to meet the increasing bandwidth demands of cloud computing, AI, 5G, and IoT.

Do you need 10 Gigabit Ethernet?

Whether 10 Gigabit Ethernet is right for you depends on your needs and budget. If you’re a data centre business, network service provider, or operating in data-heavy industries like financial services, media, online retail or health care, then 10GbE may be an ideal solution.

At Neos Networks, we offer a range of scalable, high-performance Business Ethernet services to suit your business, from 10Mbps to 100Gbps.

If you’d like to discuss how best to boost your connectivity, get in touch. We’ll be happy to supercharge your network for the future.

Get high-bandwidth business Ethernet

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What is backhaul in networking?

What is backhaul in networking?

Backhaul is the link between a network and its subnetworks – a critical part of high capacity network infrastructure. Learn all about backhaul and how it can supercharge your business’s network.

What is backhaul?

Backhaul in networking refers to the infrastructure that connects a local network, or subnetwork, to a backbone or core network. It’s typically a high capacity, low latency link designed to transmit data efficiently and fast.

Think of networks as roads and the data as the vehicles travelling along them. A backbone network is like a motorway, the main road ensuring traffic travels quickly and efficiently between major cities.

Backhaul is like the major roads branching off the motorway, connecting local towns and regions to the main highway.

Backhaul examples

Internet service providers (ISPs) use backhaul to deliver internet access. ISPs connect you to the internet through a backbone network connecting data centres linked to an internet gateway.

Backhaul, or exchange backhaul, is the subnetwork that connects these data centres to local exchanges. These exchanges typically link to street cabinets, which link to your router by copper or fibre optic cable, delivering internet to your office or home.

Backhaul is also used for mobile data access. When you browse the internet on your mobile phone, your device connects to cell towers in a local Radio Access Network (RAN).

Backhaul is this local RAN and its related infrastructure, which connects your mobile device to a wired backbone network and the internet.

How does backhaul work?

Streaming illustrates the significant role backhaul plays in network architecture. When customers use a streaming service like Netflix, their data travels through several stages of the network.

How exchange backhaul works, connecting data centres to local exchanges
  1. Data Centre: When a customer requests a movie, the content is retrieved from Netflix’s servers in a data centre.
  2. Backbone network: The data travels through the backbone network, a high capacity network that connects regions, ISPs and data centres to the internet and cloud services.
  3. Exchange backhaul: Backhaul connects the backbone network to your local exchange, ensuring the data is transported efficiently to and from the internet.
  4. Access network: If the customer uses a fixed-line connection like DSL or fibre, the data may pass through a street cabinet connecting to their home or business.
  5. Router: The data reaches their router, which creates a wired or wireless local area network to deliver the movie to their laptop, mobile phone or smart TV. You connect your devices to the router by Wi-Fi or by plugging in an ethernet cable.

Exchange backhaul plays a critical role in this process. By providing high capacity transport between the backbone network (2) and the customer’s local access network (4), backhaul ensures their content is transmitted efficiently, ensuring a smooth streaming experience.

So, if you’re a network service provider, backhaul can be a vital link between your data centres and the customers you supply.

Backhaul connected to an access network providing connectivity to businesses, office buildings and homes

Types of backhaul

Backhaul solutions can be divided into two broad categories: wired or wireless.

Wired (fixed-line) backhaul

Wired or fixed-line backhaul uses cables to transmit data, which can provide higher bandwidth and lower latency than wireless backhaul.

Wired backhaul can use fibre optic, copper, ethernet or coaxial cabling. Today, wired backhaul tends to use fibre as it offers very low latency and the highest capacity to satisfy the growing demand for data.

Wireless backhaul

Wireless backhaul is used where wired backhaul is either impossible or not cost-effective.

Wireless backhaul typically uses microwave signals, which can make point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections over medium to long distances. For remote areas or areas without wired infrastructure, satellites can be used to transmit data over long distances, while Wi-Fi can extend networks locally.

What are the benefits of backhaul?

For network service providers, investing in exchange backhaul is a strategic move to enhance your network capabilities and competitiveness. By deploying high capacity fibre backhaul, you can get:

  • Longer reach: Extend your network into new areas to expand your customer base.
  • Lower costs: Exchange backhaul can be a significantly more cost-effective way to expand your network than building your own infrastructure.
  • Faster speeds: High capacity fibre backhaul can boost speeds for your customers.
  • Lower latency: Direct fibre connections can reduce latency, resulting in a smoother gaming or video conferencing experience.
  • Greater resilience: High capacity backhaul allows you to build in redundancy to bolster your network’s reliability.
  • Better scalability: Fibre backhaul has huge potential capacity, so you can scale up your network as you grow your business.

In short, exchange backhaul is not only a great way to extend your network reach. It’s also vital to support a competitive customer experience and meet the ever-growing data demands of AI, 5G and IoT.

Exchange backhaul with Neos Networks

If you’re looking to boost your network with exchange backhaul, we can help. With Neos Networks, you can extend and supercharge your network with our UK-wide high capacity network, including:

Ethernet backhaul

Our Ethernet backhaul gives you:

  • Up to 99.95% availability: Your 1Gbps and 10Gbps backhaul is protected across our MPLS core network: traffic is automatically rerouted to a secondary path should an issue arise.
  • Scalability: Upgrade your backhaul at 1Gbps increments from 1Gbps to 10Gbps.
  • High throughput: 1Gbps and 10Gbps backhaul can be configured to take jumbo frames (MTU size of up 9100 bytes), simulating a throughput like optical wavelengths.
  • No distance limits: Deliver services from exchanges in Scotland to data centres in Manchester or London, as required.
  • Network-to-network interfaces (NNIs): Meet growing customer demand with our 100Gbps NNIs in 20 data centres nationwide, from Edinburgh and Newcastle to Leeds, Manchester and London.

Optical backhaul

For faster speeds, consider high capacity optical backhaul with Optical Wavelengths or Dark Fibre.

With Optical Wavelengths, you get:

  • Up to 99.95% availability: Low latency, highly available service, including dedicated wavelengths.
  • Flexibility: Choose between 10Gbps, 100Gbps and 400Gbps across the UK.
  • Diversity: Route separation protects against outages.
  • Resilience: Managed switching adds resilience to your network.
  • Guaranteed bandwidth: Always receive the full bandwidth you pay for.

We’ve already helped several network service providers achieve their ambitious growth plans, supporting:

  • brsk to roll out 100Gbps services to key regions across the North of England and the Midlands
  • Giganet to enable their national network service and boost their capacity offering tenfold
  • Gigabit Networks to supercharge connectivity in and around the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Nottingham, Leicester and Derby

If you’re a network service provider, AltNet or any business wanting a cost-effective way to expand your high capacity network nationwide, get in touch. We’ll be happy to help you supercharge your network.

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What is an optical network terminal (ONT)?

What is an optical network terminal (ONT)?

An optical network terminal is a device that connects a customer’s premises to an optical network. Learn all about ONTs, how they work, and why they’re a critical link in the “last mile” of fibre networks.

Get ultrafast, low latency Optical Wavelengths

What is an optical network terminal (ONT)?

An optical network terminal (ONT) is a device that serves as the endpoint of an optical network, connecting users to the network. It’s typically used in fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) or fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks to deliver ultrafast connectivity to your business or home.

Commonly known as a “fibre box”, an ONT is installed inside or outside your building as the interface between the optical fibre infrastructure and your premises.

Example of an optical network terminal (ONT)

Openreach optical network terminal


How does an ONT work?

In fibre optic networks, your network service provider transmits data as pulses of light. An ONT processes this light as follows:

  1. The ONT converts the light into electrical signals using an optical interface. It corrects errors and prepares the data for transmission over your business or home local area network (LAN).
  2. The ONT transmits the data via one or more Ethernet ports to a router, computer or other connected devices, delivering internet access to your end users.
  3. In reverse, the ONT converts data your users generate into optical signals and transmits them to the internet over the fibre optic network.

In short, an ONT is a gateway for two-way communication between your premises, the fibre network and the internet beyond.

What is the difference between an OLT and an ONT?

An optical line terminal (OLT) and an optical network terminal (ONT) are both critical components in an FTTP passive optical network (PON), but they play different roles.

ONTs and OLTs in a passive optical network (PON)

Low latency network


An OLT (1) is located at the network service provider's central office or point of presence (PoP). It aggregates and distributes data to many customers, connecting to multiple ONTs via passive optical splitters (2).

In contrast, an ONT (3) is situated at the customer’s business or home and converts optical signals into electrical signals usable by devices like routers, computers, and printers. An ONT is installed in each customer’s premises, from individual businesses and homes to office and apartment buildings.

Both OLTs and ONTs process and distribute data upstream and downstream between backbone networks and end users.

Types of optical network terminals

ONTs vary in size and purpose, ranging from single-user units for individual businesses or households to multi-user devices for office buildings or apartments. They also come in compact, indoor models and larger, weatherproof units for outdoor installation.

In addition to their basic functionality, some ONTs have built-in routers and support for features like Wi-Fi or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for voice calls. Business-oriented ONTs may also incorporate advanced security features and enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) settings.

Designed to work with PONs, ONTs may support various PON standards, like EPON, GPON or XGS-PON. However, active optical networks may use a different type of optical network unit.

What are the benefits of ONTs and PONs?

ONTs and passive optical networks (PONs) offer several advantages over traditional, copper-based access networks, including:

  • High speed: Fibre optic cables support significantly higher data transmission than copper cables.
  • High bandwidth: Fibre connections offer higher bandwidth, which is ideal for streaming, online gaming and high-definition video conferencing.
  • Reliability: Fibre cables are less prone to interference or loss of signal over long distances.
  • Low latency: Fibre networks have lower latency compared to copper-based networks.
  • Low cost: PONs are more energy-efficient over long distances than copper-based networks.

To sum up, ONTs are a vital component of PONs, the “last mile” providing ultrafast connectivity to businesses and homes across Britain.

As UK companies look to invest in digital infrastructure to meet the growing demands of AI, 5G and IoT, network service providers are using PONs to give businesses the high-capacity networking they need.

Networking solutions for your business

At Neos Networks, we’re helping businesses nationwide build their digital futures with a range of networking solutions, from Business Ethernet, including Ethernet over FTTP, and Dedicated Internet Access to Optical Wavelengths and Dark Fibre.

If you’re looking to boost your connectivity to grow your business, get in touch. We’ll be happy to help you supercharge your network for the future.

Get ultrafast, low latency Optical Wavelengths

Optical network terminal FAQs

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What is digital infrastructure?

Digital infrastructure in a cloud

Digital infrastructure is the technological foundation that supports the digital operations of businesses, governments and society. We explain how the right digital infrastructure can transform your business and why connectivity is critical.

What is digital infrastructure?

Digital infrastructure is the physical hardware and software-based technologies that enable digital services. It includes the IT systems and networks that enable organisations to operate and communicate.

Among the key components of digital infrastructure are:

  • Hardware: Computers, mobile phones, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, servers, etc
  • Software: Operating systems running computer hardware and apps
  • Networks: Physical and virtual networks, from copper or fibre-optic cables in the ground to local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs) and the internet
  • Data centres: Facilities housing servers and networking equipment to store, process and distribute vast amounts of data
  • Cloud computing: Services delivered over the internet, including cloud storage, Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Cybersecurity systems: Software and physical security measures protecting all levels of digital infrastructure

As the backbone of today’s global digital economy, digital infrastructure underpins all aspects of a connected business’s operations.

Why is digital infrastructure important for businesses?

Businesses rely on digital infrastructure to work efficiently and compete in increasingly connected global markets.

In addition, emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and IoT, are driving consumer demand and transforming how businesses are run. Yet digital transformation can’t happen without the right digital infrastructure.

In other words, digital infrastructure is critical for companies to operate, innovate and grow. In today’s digital economy, it could make or break your business.

What are the benefits of digital infrastructure?

Digital infrastructure offers numerous potential advantages for businesses, including:

  • Speed: Ultrafast, fibre connectivity can enable you to communicate and collaborate faster, responding in near real-time to challenges facing your organisation.
  • Efficiency: Digital technologies allow you to make your company’s processes more efficient, saving you time and money.
  • Innovation: Automation and AI-powered tools enable you to innovate more quickly, meaning faster time to market for your products or services.
  • Flexibility: Cloud-based digital infrastructure gives you the agility to deploy new systems quickly to react to changing market conditions.
  • Scalability: Digital infrastructure can be highly scalable; start small and scale up rather than risk a large upfront investment.

By optimising your digital infrastructure, you can enhance the experience for employees, partners and customers, setting up your business for growth.

What is the future of digital infrastructure?

Predicting the future evolution of digital infrastructure is challenging, but here are three emerging trends to watch.

5G, 6G and beyond

The expansion of 5G mobile networks and the introduction of next generation 6G are set to deliver faster, more reliable mobile connectivity. These new standards are likely to herald new applications and services.

However, they’ll require upgrading digital infrastructure with high capacity, low latency core connectivity to cope with the resultant data explosion.

Cloud and edge computing

Cloud services and edge computing are already changing digital infrastructure. By accessing on-demand services in the cloud, businesses can improve the scalability and flexibility of their digital operations without upfront investment in hardware.

Similarly, edge computing allows organisations to move data processing closer to the source of data generation, enhancing latency and efficiency and supporting the growth of 5G and IoT.

Automation and integrating AI

Automation and AI are poised to transform digital infrastructure. Automated ways of working are already helping to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency and reliability.

In the future, we can expect to see all kinds of AI-powered solutions in networking, from design and provisioning to maintenance, optimisation and cybersecurity.

Why is connectivity critical for digital infrastructure?

Over the last decade, the rise of smartphones, data analytics, hybrid working, 5G and IoT devices has fuelled an explosion of data.

Today, networks must adapt to ever-greater volumes of data as IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies take off. Meanwhile, hybrid cloud and edge-enabled networks are increasingly complex, with multiple interlinked components and data sources.

That’s why implementing the right connectivity is critical for your business’s digital infrastructure.

How Neos Networks can support your digital infrastructure

At Neos Networks, we aim to provide high capacity, low latency connectivity for UK businesses to thrive, whatever the future brings.

We offer a range of networking solutions to help you grow your business, from business Ethernet services and Dedicated Internet Access to Optical Wavelengths and Dark Fibre.

If you’re looking to upgrade your connectivity to transform your business’s digital infrastructure, get in touch.


We’ll be happy to design a networking solution for your digital future.

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What is low latency and why is it needed?

What is low latency?

Low latency in networking means transmitting data with minimal delay. Learn all about low latency connectivity and how it could benefit your business.

What is latency?

In networking, latency is the time it takes to send a unit of data across a network.

When you send an image, video, or document to another user, that data packet is transmitted over various networks and devices before reaching its destination. Latency is the time this process takes, and it can be fast or slow, depending on your network.

How is latency measured?

To measure latency, you can ping another device to see the delay in receiving a reply. The response time is measured in fractions of a second, typically milliseconds (ms).

Networks with a fast response time have low latency, while those with a longer delay have high latency.

What is a low latency network?

A low latency network is one designed to minimise data transmission delays. They’re vital for applications that require near real-time access to data that changes rapidly, like financial trading or online gaming.

When is low latency important?

No one wants high latency. But minor delays needn’t be a game-changer if you want to live-stream a concert or send a non-urgent attachment to a colleague. The outcomes aren’t time critical.

By contrast, if you’re a stockbroker timing the market, any delay could cost you millions. Likewise, a gamer could win or lose a tournament depending on their streaming speed.

So low latency matters, whether you’re a business owner or a customer wanting the best experience.

Low latency network

Low latency network

What is ultra low latency?

Ultra low latency describes networks designed to transmit very high volumes of data with an extremely low delay – transmission is almost instantaneous.

Typically, ultra low latency connectivity is measured in milliseconds (ms) or nanoseconds (ns).

When is ultra low latency needed?

Ultra low latency is needed in various applications where minimising the delay between request and response is critical.

It’s common in financial trading, allowing traders to get accurate, real-time market data and buy and sell as quickly as possible. High-frequency, algorithmic trading systems rely on ultra low latency to make split-second decisions.

Ultra low latency can also be critical for real-time business communications, industrial automation, remote surgery and robotics, autonomous vehicles, online gaming, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

What factors affect latency?

Several factors influence latency. Some can be fixed, while others are just part of the online experience.

Among the key contributors are:

  • Distance: The further the distance between your computer and the target server, the higher the latency.
  • Connection: Fibre optic is the fastest type of connection, closely followed by copper cable, then Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). Satellite internet is the slowest.
  • Hardware: Data is transmitted through various controllers, switches and routers, which affect latency. For example, an old or poor-quality router will produce high, rather than low, latency if it isn’t designed to support your internet speed.
  • Bandwidth: To achieve low latency, you’ll need more bandwidth. The faster the bandwidth, the sooner your data will be sent.
  • Ethernet vs. wireless: Ethernet typically has lower latency and more reliability than wireless connections such as Wi-Fi, as wireless signals are more susceptible to signal degradation and interference. However, microwave radio can actually provide an even faster transmission medium for certain point-to-point, low latency use cases.
  • Sharing: Latency can also be affected if the connection is shared across many services, particularly if the traffic is not prioritised to your device.

Investing in faster routers and dedicated high capacity business internet services are two ways to enable low latency even when transmitting large data packets over long distances.

Another is to use optical wavelengths, which provide superior bandwidth, allowing you to transport large data volumes over long distances faster.

Use cases for low latency networks

Low latency networks are vital for applications where minimising the delay between a request and a response is critical.

Here are some of the main applications for low latency connectivity:

  • Financial trading: Low latency plays a crucial part in trading infrastructure where quick decisions are made based on fast-moving data. Although a trading firm’s algorithms matter, best-in-class infrastructure is essential to maintain low latency and a competitive edge.
  • Online gaming: Low latency ensures a smooth online gaming experience. High-level gamers require minimum response times to beat the competition.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Driverless cars require low latency as they rely on real-time updates to function safely. For example, in a critical situation, a car might return control to the driver for safety reasons.
  • Enterprise collaboration systems: Video conferencing software like Teams and Zoom, cloud-based project systems, and instant messaging apps require low latency to work smoothly. High latency can lead to slow data sharing or communication breakdown.
  • Industrial automation and the Internet of Things (IoT): Low latency is critical to control robots in real-time manufacturing processes. In smart homes, smart cities and industrial and domestic IoT devices, rapid response to sensor data is vital for IoT devices to function correctly.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR applications rely on low latency to enable fast responses and create an immersive experience. High latency can mar performance and may even lead to cybersickness.
  • Healthcare: Low latency is critical for timely healthcare data exchange. For example, low latency networks help to ensure surgeons maintain precise control of surgical systems while operating
  • Emergency response systems: Emergency services, such as fire, police, and ambulance services, rely on low latency connectivity. It’s vital to ensure reliable, real-time communication to coordinate emergency responses.

Which connectivity solution provides the lowest latency?

Optical fibre is the choice for businesses that need to make time-critical decisions and outmanoeuvre their rivals. It uses Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology to deliver high capacity, low latency connectivity.

DWDM technology:

  1. Is a layer 1 connectivity solution, which avoids processing over packet frames and improves on layer 2 Ethernet services.
  2. Increases bandwidth capacity by allowing multiple signals to be transmitted simultaneously.
  3. Transmits data quickly and securely by ensuring wavelengths don’t interfere with one another.
  4. Reduces overall cost by ensuring businesses get maximum performance and capacity from each fibre.
  5. Is over fibre, meaning its service latency is significantly shorter than that of copper.
  6. Allows you to determine routes across the network, giving you more control over latency.

DWDM technology empowers businesses to transport more data between sites quickly and cost-effectively, future-proofing networks to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Low latency networks with Neos

If low latency connectivity is critical for your business, we can help. Our high capacity, low latency network is transforming connectivity for Critical National Infrastructure and businesses across the UK, so get in touch.


We’ll be happy to design a low latency network to supercharge your business.

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Metro Ethernet vs. MPLS: what’s the difference?

Metro Ethernet and MPLS are both data transport technologies for telecommunications networks, but they’re fundamentally different. Learn how they differ and the benefits and use cases of each.

What’s Metro Ethernet

Metro Ethernet is a network that uses Ethernet standards to interconnect sites across an urban area or region in a metropolitan area network (MAN).

Metro Ethernet works primarily in layer 2 of the OSI Model – the data link layer. It provides the transport path, or road, for data to travel along.

The seven layers of the OSI Model

# Layer Function
7 Application layer Enables humans or software to interact with the network through applications like file sharing, email clients and databases
6 Presentation layer Formats, encrypts and decrypts data for the application layer
5 Session layer Starts, maintains and ends connections between applications
4 Transport layer Transfers data across the network, for example, using TCP or UDP transport protocols
3 Network layer Enables communication between multiple networks and determines the data’s path, for example, applying IP addresses
2 Data link layer Manages connections between physically connected nodes on a network
1 Physical layer Transmits raw data bits over physical media like cables or wireless connections

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What’s MPLS?

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) is a routing technology that directs data packets from one node to another in a network.

Unlike Metro Ethernet, MPLS operates between layer 2 (the data link layer) and layer 3 (the network layer) of the OSI Model, also known as layer 2.5. It’s a technology that directs the data to the correct destination.

What’s the difference between Metro Ethernet and MPLS?

In simplified terms, the fundamental difference between Metro Ethernet and MPLS is their function:

  • Metro Ethernet is a network that transports data.
  • MPLS is a label-switching technology that directs traffic on a network.

MPLS is typically used to create wide area networks (WANs) over long distances but may also be deployed as a routing protocol in Metro Ethernet networks. For example, many Metro Ethernet networks use MPLS to connect their backbone networks.

Here are the differences between Metro Ethernet and MPLS in more detail.


Metro Ethernet is a network used primarily to interconnect an organisation’s sites, or local-area networks (LANs), into a metropolitan area network (MAN). The network can also connect an organisation’s sites to the internet and cloud services, providing IPTV, video conferencing and other collaboration tools.

MPLS is a switching technology that directs and speeds up network traffic flow. It’s often deployed in enterprise wide-area networks (WANs) or service provider environments, as well as MANs.


Metro Ethernet primarily operates at layer 2 (the data link layer) using various control protocols. Typically, traffic is switched based on MAC (Media Access Control) addresses rather than IP (internet protocol) addresses, as in layer 3 (the network layer).

By contrast, MPLS operates in layer 2.5 (between the data link and network layers). It gives each data packet a label with details about its final destination. The label provides a short path to the target IP address rather than a long network address, resulting in higher traffic speeds and lower latency.


Metro Ethernet networks are typically point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint (P2MP), although they can also be any-to-any (mesh). Find out more about types of Metro Ethernet services.

MPLS is just a routing technology, so it can be deployed in various network topologies, including P2P, P2MP or mesh.


Both Metro Ethernet and MPLS are highly scalable. Typically, Metro Ethernet is used over limited distances across a region and can be scaled up to speeds of 10Gbps.

Since MPLS is not dependent on a particular transport protocol, MPLS-based networks aren’t limited by distance. They can be used for regional, national or global networks with speeds from 10Mbps to 10Gbps.

Quality of Service (QoS)

Both Metro Ethernet and MPLS support Quality of Service (QoS), allowing you to prioritise network traffic for critical applications.

However, MPLS, with its label-based technology and native support for traffic engineering, provides flexible options to meet the needs of new applications.


One common network architecture that combines Ethernet and MPLS is Virtual Private LAN service (VPLS). VPLS is a type of Ethernet-based virtual private network (VPN) that links multiple sites in a single domain through an IP or MPLS network.

VPLS mimics the functionality of a local area network (LAN) by configuring virtual LANs. In this way, your devices are connected as if they were on the same local network, whatever the geographical distance between your sites.

VPLS network

A VPLS network, which combines ethernet and MPLS


Metro Ethernet vs. MPLS: which is right for your business?

To sum up, a Metro Ethernet network may be a cost-effective solution if you’re looking for high-speed connections within a limited geographical area that’s flexible and easy to deploy using common ethernet standards.

By contrast, if you want to connect more complex, geographically dispersed sites over a wide area network (WAN) with enhanced QoS and traffic engineering, an MPLS-based network may work better.

Or you could combine the two with VPLS, securely connecting multiple sites over a WAN with the reliability and performance of a local area network.

Whatever your networking needs, we can help. At Neos Networks, we offer a range of business Ethernet or MPLS-based network options. We’ll be happy to design a cost-effective, high-speed, secure network solution to interlink your sites.

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What is Metro Ethernet?

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What is Metro Ethernet?

Metro Ethernet is an Ethernet transport network used to connect sites across a city. Learn all about Metro Ethernet, the different types of Metro Ethernet services, and how they can benefit your business.

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What’s Metro Ethernet

Metro Ethernet is a network that uses Ethernet standards to interconnect sites in a metropolitan area network (MAN). It’s a cost-effective, scalable way to connect multiple locations across a city or urban area.

Originally developed as a technology for local area networks (LANs), Ethernet used to have limited range and capacity. Today, Ethernet has evolved into Carrier Ethernet, which offers high-bandwidth data transmission over longer distances for wide area networks (WANs).

Metro Ethernet is a type of Carrier Ethernet used in a city location offering data transfer speeds of 1Mbps to 10Gbps.

What’s Metro Ethernet used for?

If you’re a business or network service provider, you can use Metro Ethernet in a metropolitan area network to:

  • Interconnect your business offices or data centres
  • Connect your business sites to the internet
  • Provide IPTV, video conferencing and other collaboration tools via multicasting
  • Connect your business sites to cloud services
  • Deliver internet connectivity to business or domestic subscribers if you’re an internet service provider (ISP)
  • Provide mobile backhaul services if you’re a mobile provider

In other words, you can connect all your sites in a city to the internet and the cloud in a single, scalable network.

What are the benefits of Metro Ethernet for businesses?

Metro Ethernet offers several advantages over traditional wide area networks, including:

  • High speed: Metro Ethernet offers high bandwidth, providing fast connectivity with low latency.
  • Cost-effectiveness: As Metro Ethernet networks are simpler, they can offer competitive prices for a given bandwidth.
  • Ease of management: Ethernet standards are widely used in businesses, making Metro Ethernet easy to set up, manage and maintain.
  • Scalability: Metro Ethernet networks typically use fibre optic cabling and can be scaled up to speeds of 10Gbps without significantly upgrading infrastructure.
  • Flexibility: Metro Ethernet supports various topologies and configurations and different types of traffic, including voice, data and video.
  • Reliability: Metro Ethernet supports Quality of Service (QoS) for critical applications and Ethernet operations, administration, and maintenance (OAM) for easy troubleshooting.

Overall, Metro Ethernet gives you flexible, high-bandwidth connectivity across a city at a relatively low cost.

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How does Metro Ethernet work?

Metro Ethernet uses switches and routers typically connected by fibre optic cable to create a point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint (P2MP) network.

A Metro Ethernet network comprises:

The physical arrangement of a Metro Ethernet network – the network topology – depends on the type of service.

Types of Metro Ethernet services

There are several types of Metro Ethernet services, as defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum, the non-profit association that sets Carrier Ethernet standards. Below are the main Metro Ethernet services and their network topologies:

Metro Ethernet services

Service type Topology Description
E-Line (Ethernet Line Service) Point-to-point Directly connects two business sites
E-LAN (Ethernet LAN Service) Multipoint-to-multipoint Allows multiple sites to exchange data directly with each other
E-Tree (Ethernet Tree Service) Rooted multipoint Connects a central site to multiple sites, but the “leaves” (branch nodes) of the tree don’t exchange data directly
E-Access (Ethernet Access Service) Network-to-network Provides a local access connection to another carrier’s network


Which Metro Ethernet service is right for you depends on the size and complexity of your network and your business priorities.

Our Metro Ethernet solutions

At Neos Networks, we offer a range of Metro Ethernet solutions with various network services and topologies to suit your needs. Here are some Ethernet services we can configure for your business.

Point-to-point Ethernet

Ethernet Private Line (EPL), a kind of E-Line service, provides point-to-point (P2P) connectivity between a pair of dedicated user network interfaces (UNIs) and allows for a high degree of transparency along the network.

Point-to-point Ethernet

Passive optical wavelength


If your business needs a private, high-bandwidth connection between two locations with low latency and high availability, EPL is an excellent choice.

Point-to-multipoint Ethernet

If you want to connect multiple sites, Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL), another E-Line service, may be for you. EVPL can enable multiple Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) per UNI to support point-to-multipoint (P2MP) connectivity.

Point-to-multipoint Ethernet


EVPL P2MP ethernet network


Both P2P and P2MP Ethernet provide the simplicity of private connections combined with the flexibility and scalability of MPLS technology across a range of bandwidths.

Any-to-any Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)

If you want the flexibility of any-to-any connectivity, an E-LAN service like Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) may work for you. VPLS is a type of virtual private network (VPN) that links multiple sites in a single domain through IP routing or MPLS.

Any-to-any VPLS

VPLS any-to-any ethernet network


With VPLS, you can connect all your sites to the same secure, high-speed network with a flexible capacity of up to 10Gbps.

Network-to-Network Interface (NNI)

If you’re a larger business, our E-Access Network-to-Network (NNI) services may be ideal. With Point-to-NNI connectivity, you can connect multiple sites back to your network as efficiently as possible at bandwidths that suit your needs.



Point-to-NNI Ethernet


Whatever kind of connectivity you need, we’ll be happy to design a cost-effective, scalable, high-speed network for your business, so get in touch.

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Metro Ethernet FAQs

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What should a B2B telco be in 2024?

What should a B2B telco be in 2024? Vertically integrated or delayered? A communications service provider (CSP) or a techco?

I was delighted to participate in “The telco and the customer” session of The Great Telco Debate in London last week to probe some of these questions with industry peers.

There are many right answers to these questions, though what’s right here is highly subjective. Here I want to reiterate some key points I made in the debate.

Refocus on connectivity

In recent years, telcos have been under intense pressure to be many things, chasing additional services and revenues. The aim was to pursue completeness of offer to “own” the customer.

To this end, some telcos moved into the systems integrator (SI) space. Conversely, SIs moved into the infrastructure and network space. The technology of the day forced this behaviour as it was the only way to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Has technology now progressed to create a place for telcos dedicated to providing excellence in connectivity? It probably has, and as such, maybe it’s time for telcos to refocus on their core products and services, innovating and constantly improving those services and the customer experience. 

No need to own the customer

Today, we see incredibly high levels of interoperability between technologies for IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). So B2B telcos have an opportunity to be excellent at connectivity and be highly interoperable and integrable, while still being highly accountable for their performance.

By working with complementary partners, we can pursue the best solution for customers and optimal customer satisfaction. Could this be the opportunity to be highly customer-centric without owning the customer?

Work for integrability

If we don’t need to be vertically integrated or to fully own the customer, we must do all we can to be fully integrable.

In this way, we can double down on what we’re good at – delivering excellent connectivity – and work with partners and customers to take that excellence into broader, deeper solutions. By integrating new technologies like AI and working with partners to put customers first, we can best meet their specific, evolving needs.

In short, maybe B2B telcos can have a monogamous and devoted relationship with connectivity again while being an excellent and highly sociable partner.

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What is artificial intelligence (AI) in networking?

AI in networking

Learn how AI is set to transform how we manage large, increasingly complex IT networks.

What is artificial intelligence (AI) in networking?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that can reason and learn to solve problems or perform tasks that traditionally require human intelligence. For network service providers, that means new ways to make their networks more efficient, resilient and secure.

A range of AI technologies can be harnessed to help run complex IT networks, including the following:

  • Machine learning (ML) uses algorithms trained on data to predict outcomes and perform specific tasks.
  • Deep learning (DL), a subfield of ML, uses artificial neural networks to mimic the human brain.
  • Generative AI (GenAI) uses DL models to generate text, images, video or other media that mimic human-generated content.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) enables computers to understand spoken and written language.


AI technologies for networking

AI technologies for networking


While it’s still early days for AI in networking, these and related AI technologies are set to reshape how we design and operate growing IT networks.

Why use AI in networking?

The rise of AI, 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are fuelling an explosion of data. Meanwhile, networks are becoming larger and more complex.

They’re also becoming increasingly complex to manage, as recent outages at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure have shown. Cloud service downtime is often attributed to network issues, which can be challenging to diagnose and remedy quickly.

That’s where AI comes in. By analysing vast quantities of historical and real-time telemetry data, AI can help in all aspects of network management, from provisioning and deployment to maintenance, troubleshooting and optimisation.

First, AI can free up network administrators from routine, time-consuming jobs, allowing them to focus on higher value, strategic tasks. Second, it can identify network trends and anomalies that the most experienced engineer would find difficult or impossible to spot using manual processes.

In short, implementing AI in networks has the potential to:

  • Boost network efficiency and reliability
  • Simplify network troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Increase network resilience and security
  • Reduce set-up and maintenance costs
  • Enhance user experience

So how can AI deliver these benefits and transform how we manage large networks?

5 ways to use AI in networking

Here are some potential AI-enabled solutions for networking, though most are yet to be fully developed or widely adopted.


AI for network optimisation

1. AI for network optimisation

With the ability to monitor networks in real time, AI can dynamically allocate resources like bandwidth, processing power and storage to meet changing demands. In this way, AI can adjust Quality of Service (QoS) configurations, load balancing and dynamic routing to optimise network performance.


AI for network troubleshooting

2. AI for network troubleshooting

AI can monitor complex networks to quickly identify the root cause of issues, speeding up problem resolution. Sifting through reams of data in minutes, AI can help rapidly identify the network component at fault, eliminating false positives. And AI-powered self-healing systems allow some issues to be resolved without an engineer’s intervention.


AI for predictive maintenance

3. AI for predictive maintenance

Since AI can compare historical and current network patterns, it can detect minor abnormalities in performance before they develop into major faults. Similarly, with predictions based on historical data, AI can model the network to prevent network deterioration or outages in the future.


AI for network scalability

4. AI for network scalability

Automation enhanced by machine learning allows network providers to provision and deploy network resources automatically. In other words, AI enables you to dynamically scale network resources based on real-time and predicted demand.


AI for customer experience

5. AI for customer experience

Besides improving overall network performance and reliability, AI can significantly enhance the customer experience by providing intelligent, targeted solutions. For example, it can predict user behaviour to dynamically adjust bandwidth and minimise network disruptions. Meanwhile, chatbots and virtual assistants can give customers personalised, context-aware support 24/7.

Yet AI isn’t only useful to enhance efficiency and user experience. Its ability to intelligently analyse data in real time also makes it an excellent tool for network security.

How AI can enhance network security

AI-powered security solutions can monitor network operations for security issues and alert network engineers or automate incident responses.

Threat detection

Monitoring historical data and traffic data in real time, AI-powered systems can identify abnormalities or known patterns that may indicate a potential cyberattack. For example, it has the potential to detect zero-day attacks, which are usually missed by traditional signature-based detection methods.

Automated response

Once a potential threat is detected, AI-enabled risk analysis can triage and automate incident responses to prevent escalation, contain damage or enable rapid recovery. For instance, it can update firewalls, block malicious traffic or “clean” infected files.

Device tracking

AI can also help with one of the most demanding network security challenges – tracking connected devices. As IoT devices proliferate, machine learning can help identify, categorise and manage them, checking for potential vulnerabilities and outdated software.

Policy automation

Similarly, AI can create and deploy security policies as required. For example, it can allow or deny access to specific devices, users or apps, dynamically responding to changes on the network.

Whatever the security issue, AI has the potential to speed up human responses or deploy fast, automated self-healing, countering a potential threat before it escalates.

AIOps and the future of networking

Despite the enormous potential benefits, the AI-enabled solutions outlined above are yet to be widely implemented in the industry. So-called AIOps – artificial intelligence for IT operations – is still in its infancy.

However, as machine learning and other AI technologies evolve at breakneck speed, expect to see AI’s role switch from cameo to hero. From network design and deployment to maintenance and customer service, AI will become integral to future network operations.

One emerging trend is to apply AI to streamline network services. Machine learning can enhance zero-touch provisioning and enable end-to-end network automation.

Another is harnessing AI for software-defined networking (SDN). For instance, as more IoT devices come online daily, engineers can use AI-enhanced SDNs to design and control scalable, secure industrial IoT networks.

The challenge of AI in networking

Estimated at around $8.3 billion in 2022, the global AIOps platform market is expected to reach about $80 billion by 2032. Yet AI in networking faces several challenges before it becomes mainstream, such as:

  • Complexity and integration: Today’s networks are increasingly complex with multiple interlinked components, data sources and interfaces. Integrating AI solutions requires rethinking pre-existing networks to allow for this complexity.
  • Data integrity and security: AI relies on maintaining and processing vast quantities of high-quality data. Any emerging AI networking solutions must ensure data integrity, security and privacy by design.
  • Interoperability and open standards: Data from multi-vendor networks remains challenging because the data format and syntax may differ by vendor. In future, the evolution of open standards, like Open RAN, should help meet this challenge.
  • Skills gap and retraining: Integrating AI in networking will require a change in working culture for network engineers. As AI technologies evolve, they’ll need to learn new skills and working methods to deploy and maintain AI-powered networks.

In short, AI won’t transform networking overnight. A world of automated, software-defined, self-healing, self-defending networks is still some way off.

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Time for AltNets in gigabit push

An interview with Jeremy Chelot, CEO of Netomnia; Tom Brook, Head of IT at Broadband for Surrey Hills (B4SH); and Andrew Ingram, Director of High Tide Group

In today's challenging economy, staying agile is key for businesses. This makes having fast, high-capacity internet more important than ever. It's essential to boosting efficiency, facilitating seamless communication, and support the growing demand for data-intensive operations.

In many places, alternative network providers (AltNets) are the answer: these unsung heroes fill in the gaps left by the major national telecoms providers.

We asked our interviewees what the future holds for AltNets and the network landscape they’re helping to shape.

As the latest Project Gigabit reports show 73% of the UK is gigabit-capable, there’s still some way to go before 85% of the population levels up in time for the 2025 deadline.

Tom Brook says: “Gigabit provision will likely be achieved by the national telecoms provider in time – even for almost all of the hardest-to-reach areas. AltNets have an excellent opportunity to provide services far sooner and in better consultation with those in the hardest-to-reach locations.”

“AltNets may also be able to provide the next generation of speeds earlier than the national telecoms provider. We already see some providers offering 2.5, 3 and 10-gigabit services across their network, where the national provider is only just starting trials.”

Jeremy Chelot is quick to point out the achievements of AltNets: “Without us, Openreach and Virgin Media would still be relying on an ancient copper network, no longer fit for serving the needs of the country. Plus, some AltNets are already focusing on the toughest 20% of the UK and doing a very good job at addressing those gaps!”

Opportunities ahead

Post-pandemic growth has been sluggish in the UK, but one way businesses can look to the future is high-capacity, high-speed connectivity. As they seek to do that, AltNets will be aiming to get their piece of the pie. But how?

Tom Brook says: “As other providers eventually cover the properties AltNets have already built to, AltNets like ours will hope to remain the customer’s preferred provider – by being competitively priced for a gigabit service. The customer also needs to feel confident that their service is monitored for reliability, problems are proactively investigated and should they contact their provider, they’ll speak to someone only a few miles away.”

Essentially, when AltNets begin to service areas missed by the major national providers, they need to make the most of their head start. As well as pricing, they need to focus on customer service if they want to compete beyond the short term.

Branching out and offering more value

Rural areas will always be a target for AltNets, particularly where lower connectivity speeds hamper everyday business operations and UK households.

Andrew Ingram believes this policy has now yielded some interesting results: “I’m starting to see that rural areas, in a number of cases, are now getting better connectivity than people in urban centres.”

He continues: “I feel providers have already done the low-hanging fruit in the client centres and now moved to rural areas as the planning, funding and additional costs are less. For example, parts of city centres have high costs for traffic management.”

Tom Brook says: “The presence of any AltNet for a rural business is instantly going to improve their internet speeds and increase productivity. And where multiple full fibre services exist in an area, AltNets can provide higher upload speeds in comparison to the major national provider. Or there could be a vastly lower cost service if the rural business has previously had to buy in a leased fibre line.”

Jeremy Chelot builds on this point: “We have built both a Dark Fibre and a 10-Gbps (XGS-PON) network outside London – to give more options to businesses. With XGS-PON, businesses can access 10-Gbps services (contended) at a fraction of the cost of a leased line, but with the same level of service.”

Challenges to overcome

Of course, rural projects are far from being straightforward operations, and AltNets sometimes have to solve the entrenched problems that the major national providers don’t. Installing their own infrastructure is sometimes the easiest one to overcome.

Tom Brook says: “One issue we come across a lot is a landowner who is unwilling to provide wayleave. Sometimes, this can be as simple as someone falling out with their neighbours. Or it can be a large-scale landowner who is unresponsive or requires many levels of approval and communication, leading to the request stalling or getting lost.

“Another challenge is customers perceiving their existing connectivity as adequate and not engaging with the project. AltNets sometimes have to rely on help and coordination from the neighbourhoods they plan to cover, so it’s difficult to organise installation without this.

“AltNets will need to know where demand is for increasing connectivity speeds – led by a digital-first approach for businesses. But despite rising demand, there shouldn’t be pressure on capacity. If this occurs, then an AltNet has failed at their capacity planning.”

Jeremy Chelot also points out the importance of planning: “A number of factors go into the decision to invest in a new area, but our number-one priority is to never build over another AltNet.”

On the topic of being more sustainable, Chelot talks about the importance of physical infrastructure access (PIA) to AltNets, to “control our cost and speed of deployment”. When AltNets are allowed access to the Openreach network through ducts and poles, they save money and time – and the community suffers less engineering work.

The way forward for AltNets

Even when projects are straightforward, AltNets must keep in mind that they’re not as trusted as the major national providers and have to outperform them at every step.

Tom Brook says: “Upholding high standards in connectivity reliability, speed and customer service is vital. These standards must be above those of the national telecoms provider (and their resellers). If the customer perception of AltNets is damaged, it’ll hinder the enthusiasm, take-up and viability of every AltNet.

“While build timescales can be difficult to estimate, it’s also important to provide reliable expectations on when a build can start and when a customer can order service. Contacting an area and then never building, or building years after the initial promise, also causes harm to the reputation of AltNet provision as a whole.”

Andrew Ingram thinks AltNets will soon face more competition: “The worry I have is that at some point, the likes of BT and Virgin Media will move into rural areas, forcing the AltNets out. AltNets will need to be smart in their investments and growth areas to prepare for this.”

Jeremy Chalot sees such competition as crucial to the expansion of fibre: “Financial savvy and long-term stability among network providers are the most important things to maintain a high level of competition to support rural areas.”

One thing is certain: the 2025 Project Gigabit deadline is looming large. With increasing urgency behind fibre expansion, AltNets have a golden opportunity to deliver the high-capacity, high-speed connectivity that British businesses need. Now they have to rise to the challenge.

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What is a LAN (local area network)?

What is a LAN?

Learn all about local area networks (LANs), how they work, types of LAN connectivity, and the benefits of using a LAN.

What’s a local area network (LAN)?

A local area network (LAN) is a network of computers or other devices interconnected in one location to enable communication and resource sharing.

A LAN may connect one or two people in an office or home or thousands of users across a corporate campus. Initially developed in the 1960s for use in universities and research facilities, LANs were designed to allow users to communicate and share resources with others in the same building or local area.

Thanks to the emergence of Ethernet technology in the 1980s, LANs became the leading technology to locally link devices in businesses and homes worldwide. Today, LANs typically use wired (Ethernet) or wireless (Wi-Fi) connections, also known as WLAN.

What’s the difference between a LAN, WLAN, MAN and WAN?

LAN, WLAN, MAN and WAN all refer to computer networks, but they differ in geographical size, technologies and purpose.


A LAN connects devices within a small area, like a workplace or office block. Your home or office network is an example of a LAN. Typically, organisations own the copper or fibre optic cabling, routers and switches that make up a LAN.


WLAN stands for wireless local area network. WLANs use radio frequency signals to enable devices to connect and communicate on a local area network without using cables. If you’re reading this on your home or office Wi-Fi, you’re on a WLAN.


MAN stands for metropolitan area network, which organisations use to connect multiple locations across a city or municipality. MANs generally use fibre optic cables to interconnect sites. While most organisations partner with a telecom company to provide their MAN, some use Dark Fibre and own and manage the networking equipment.


WAN stands for wide area network, which links an organisation’s sites dispersed across a country or worldwide. Modern, software-defined WANs (SD-WANs) can also connect these dispersed LANs directly to cloud services to create one seamless network. Organisations often rely on telecom providers to create and manage WANs.

What are the benefits of using a LAN?

As the name suggests, a LAN allows you to connect computers and other devices in a local area to send and receive information between them. For example, you connect a printer to your home LAN so you can send it files to print.

LANs allow you to:

  • Provide access to local network services, such as printing or application data, without the data going off site
  • Access business-critical data stored in one central location
  • Share a single wired or wireless internet connection between several devices
  • Control and restrict access to your network using security tools like 802.1X authentication

In short, LANs provide a network for collaboration and communication between locally connected devices, whether at home or work.

How do LANs work?

A typical LAN creates a network using ethernet cables, switches, routers and wireless access points (Wi-Fi). Each device on a LAN is assigned a unique internet protocol (IP) address. This maps to a physical address called a MAC (Media Access Control) address on each device, which ethernet switches use to direct data sent across the network.

Below is a simplified diagram of a typical LAN, connecting users to the organisation’s server via a hub or switch.


Example of a basic LAN (local area network)

Local area network (LAN)


However, LANs differ in their connectivity and network structure.

Types of LAN connectivity

Traditionally, a local area network connected devices using ethernet cables. Devices communicate with each other by sending data packets addressed to specific IP addresses across a wired network. Today’s LANs may combine ethernet and wireless connections.


Standardised in the 1980s, ethernet is the most widely used protocol for wired LANs today.

LANs use coaxial, twisted pair copper, or fibre optic cables to form a wired network. Each device must be physically connected to an ethernet switch or router, typically using a twisted pair ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors. Occasionally, devices will connect using fibre optic cables, although these are generally used for servers or to interconnect switches and routers.


Apart from ethernet, many LANs include wireless connections (WLAN), such as Wi-Fi. For example, you can connect your computer to your home router using an ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.

LAN topologies

Another way of classifying LANs is by topology – the physical arrangement of devices on the network.

LAN network topologies


Example LAN network topologies

One of the most common LAN topologies, star networks are relatively easy to install and scale up. Each device connects directly to the central hub or switch. However, if the hub fails, the whole network goes down.

A bus network has fewer cables and is even simpler to install, so they’re typically more cost-effective than a star network. But the bus topology can suffer from signal loss over long distances, so it only works efficiently in small networks.

Unlike bus networks, the ring topology has the advantage of allocating all devices equal access to network resources, making it potentially efficient for small to medium networks. Yet ring networks can be difficult to configure and scale up and are rarely used today.

An increasingly common alternative for more dispersed networks is the mesh topology. In a mesh network, every device on the LAN can communicate with every other without going through a central hub. Several devices can transmit data simultaneously, so they’re suitable for more extensive networks with heavy traffic.

Virtual LANs (VLANs)

In larger organisations with hundreds or thousands of users, you can split up LANs to manage them more efficiently. Instead of using separate LAN infrastructure, you can use software to divide and group users into virtual local area networks (VLANs).

For instance, you can set up VLANs for different departments in your business, making the network easier to manage.

LANs, WANs and your business

If your business has multiple sites dispersed across the country or internationally, setting up the right LANs for your local needs is only half the battle. You’ll want to integrate each site into one secure wide area network (WAN) to maximise company-wide efficiency.

At Neos Networks, we offer a range of managed WAN services, including IP-VPN and SD-WAN, so get in touch. We’ll be happy to design a cost-effective, scalable WAN for your business.

Local area network FAQs

  • What does a local area network do?

    A local area network (LAN) interconnects computers and other devices in one location, such as an office, home or school. LANs allow interconnected devices to communicate and share an internet connection, file storage and other resources.

  • What types of devices can connect to a LAN?

    Various devices can connect to a LAN, typically by ethernet cable or Wi-Fi (WLAN), including computers, servers, printers, smartphones, tablets, servers, network-attached storage (NAS) drives, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart speakers, lights and TVs.

  • What role do switches and routers play in a LAN?

    Switches interconnect devices on the same LAN. They use MAC addresses to direct the network traffic to the correct device on the LAN. By contrast, routers connect LANs to the internet or interconnect various LANs to create a wide area network (WAN).

  • How do you maintain LAN security?

    You can ensure your LAN remains secure by regularly updating network security protocols and using security measures, such as encryption, strong passwords, firewalls, and user access controls.

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The UK business gigabit connectivity report: could AltNets be the catalyst UK business needs?

As UK businesses look to invest in digital transformation, alternative network providers (AltNets) have an excellent opportunity to provide high-capacity connectivity to businesses nationwide. An analysis by Neos Networks.

The UK Business Gigabit Connectivity Report

All signs point towards businesses continuing their recent digital expansion and diversifying the ways they use technology. In a 2024 Leadership Priorities in Tech survey of over 800 executives across the UK and US, 75% of leaders say digital transformation investment is needed in the next year.

To provide digital operations with the data and bandwidth they require, organisations are becoming increasingly reliant on higher capacity connectivity – speeds of 1Gbps and above. 

While this level of connectivity hasn’t always been equally available to all UK businesses, AltNets have played a crucial role in expanding the reach of high-capacity connectivity – alongside the UK government’s Project Gigabit, first announced in March 2021.

In the most recent update (February 2023), the project announced that 73% of the UK was now gigabit capable. The project’s target is ‘85% gigabit capable connectivity by the end of 2025’. So, what more is needed to help AltNets and other service providers achieve these targets, and what's the appetite for businesses investing in improved connectivity? 

Two years on from the rollout of Project Gigabit, we investigate:


We surveyed business leaders and decision-makers from 160 UK companies operating in a wide range of industry sectors. We were interested in the business appetite for connectivity investment to support growth; whether businesses had experienced greater connectivity since the Project Gigabit rollout; if further incentives are needed for Project Gigabit to achieve its levelling up goals and what part AltNets can play in this. 

Key report findings:

  • Project Gigabit claims to have reached the majority of UK businesses. Yet, when business leaders were asked if their business had felt a notable impact since the Project Gigabit rollout, just 52.5% said yes.
  • There is a strong appetite for investment in the UK, with 42% of UK businesses viewing higher capacity connectivity in the next two years as key to their growth plans. 
  • For those that have upgraded since the start of Project Gigabit, nearly one in eight businesses (11.2%) stated that investing in connectivity had a direct impact on increasing business profitability.
  • Of these, 98.3% of businesses said they saw positive indirect impacts such as improved productivity, staff retention or client collaboration.
  • Imbalance remains between urban and rural areas. For every 10 urban businesses that said they’ve seen a positive impact from Project Gigabit, just six rural businesses reported that they had felt the same impact.
  • One in five UK companies still aren’t receiving sufficient business internet speeds to facilitate smooth everyday operations.
  • Over half (55.6%) of UK companies have risked losing a client or customer as a consequence of poor internet connectivity, speed or reliability.

What impact has Project Gigabit had on UK business connectivity so far?

A little over two years into Project Gigabit, and the rollout has had a fair reach across the UK. Yet when business leaders were asked if they’d felt a notable impact from Project Gigabit, only a little over half (52.5%) said yes.

It’s evident from this that there is still room for improvement and greater business engagement.

Pie chart: Has Project Gigabit had a notable impact on improving business internet connectivity?

How does a connectivity shortfall impact business operations?

While 47.5% of businesses are yet to experience connectivity improvements from Project Gigabit, how many of these could be categorised as ‘priority improvement’ businesses, where connectivity issues are hampering daily business operations? 

AltNet providers have a great opportunity to gain substantial market share by meeting business needs.

Worryingly, one in every five UK businesses is not receiving sufficient business internet speeds to conduct seamless everyday operations.

Worse still, bottom lines at more than half of the UK’s businesses have been affected with 55.6% having risked losing a client or customer due to poor internet connectivity, speed or reliability.

Understandably, these are the businesses most likely to be exploring connectivity options to improve daily operations. With almost half of UK companies in this position, AltNet providers have a great opportunity to gain substantial market share by meeting these needs.

Where do businesses see the greatest impact from connectivity investment?

For those organisations who have invested in improved connectivity over the last 24 months, how have their operations been impacted? And does this differ according to geographical location?

Nearly one in eight businesses (11.2%) stated that investing in connectivity had a direct impact on increasing business profitability.

And almost every company surveyed (98.3%) experienced positive indirect impacts, including improved productivity, staff retention or client collaboration. This highlights the power improved connectivity and capacities can have if targeted correctly, with the potential for greater efficiency as well as greater profitability.

Bar graph: What impact has upgrading business internet connectivity had across the UK regions?


How AltNets can capitalise on connectivity-dependent growth

To make the business case for AltNet investment, providing businesses in target areas with high-capacity fibre connectivity needs to be commercially viable.

Current challenges

The 100+ UK AltNets currently operating have been building out rapidly in favourable market conditions, demonstrating success by greatly improving ‘homes passed’ numbers. However, securing connected customer numbers is the crucial metric for measuring AltNet success.

Many AltNets have stated ambitions to expand to supply hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of homes with fibre. But the numbers don’t necessarily add up: there is a strong risk that AltNets could overpromise and underdeliver.

Opportunities through business market demand

Here we explore the appetite among businesses to invest in connectivity across the UK, and the extent to which it features in business growth and investment plans:

  • Urban and rural-based companies both prioritise connectivity investment in future growth plans. 42% of UK businesses see moving to higher capacity connectivity in the next two years as key to growth plans.
  • Around 9 in 10 UK businesses say they'll invest in improving internet capacity as part of their growth plans.
  • Nearly twice as many urban businesses as rural ones want better connectivity to give them a competitive advantage.
  • Rural businesses identified connectivity investment over the next two years as a key part of ‘levelling up’, with 25.9% describing it as ‘integral’ to growth plans. They’re over two times more likely than urban businesses to define it that way.
Bar graph: Improving business connectivity over the next two years is ‘integral’ to business growth plans

Are AltNets the bridge to improved business connectivity?

With the appetite there for increased connectivity in competitive urban and underserved rural locations, how can AltNets continue to fill the gaps and play a decisive role in levelling up areas across the UK?

In the towns

Where competition is high in urban areas, companies can gain a competitive edge by upgrading to high-capacity connectivity offered by AltNets.

There’s an opportunity for AltNets to make names for themselves in niche markets here. They can educate organisations on how greater connectivity can support their business functions and offer future-proofed gigabit-capable services. Do this well enough and they could become integral to the development of new tech hubs.

In the country

AltNets have the potential to create rural market competition, allowing rural businesses to compete with their urban counterparts on a level playing field. If there’s less reliance on central business hubs, both businesses and people can become more evenly distributed around the UK. 

However, more incentivised government grants, access rights and wayleaves are needed to make it commercially viable for AltNets to deploy to businesses in underserved areas.

To deliver improved connectivity to both urban and rural businesses more successfully, AltNets will need to rely on third-party network providers, like Neos Networks, that can supply the backhaul required to allow them to access much needed high-capacity fibre infrastructure.

Why high-capacity connectivity is being prioritised by UK businesses aiming to grow

Everyday business operations are increasingly reliant on higher capacity connectivity. But what’s driving this? And how are UK businesses evolving?

Almost a quarter (22.4%) of the businesses we surveyed said they needed increased computer power. Some 21.2% said operational development meant more data and higher capacity requirements. And 11.6% cited greater device usage per employee.

In addition, many businesses are looking to take advantage of new technology with 1 in 10 wanting better connectivity to integrate AI and other next-generation technologies into their growth plans.

Bar chart: Top reasons for businesses looking for increased connectivity speeds

Impact review: is Project Gigabit achieving its ambition to ‘level-up rural and remote communities’?

The stated aim of Project Gigabit is:
“Reaching parts of the UK that might otherwise miss out on getting the digital connectivity they need. The fast, reliable connections delivered by Project Gigabit will level-up mostly rural and remote communities across the UK…” - Project Gigabit - Building Digital UK

We investigated two key questions:

  • Are rural businesses seeing the improvements Project Gigabit promised?
  • Could grant incentives for AltNets drive investment and help these communities further?

Our research found that businesses in rural areas are less likely to have access to high-capacity connectivity, speed and reliability.

  • For every 10 urban businesses who said they’ve seen a positive impact from Project Gigabit, just six rural businesses felt the same effect.
  • Rural connectivity poverty remains: a quarter of rural businesses state they have insufficient business internet speeds to facilitate smooth everyday operations.
  • In urban areas, this dropped to 18.2%, meaning rural businesses are 37.4% more likely to suffer inadequate connectivity.

How network service providers like Neos Networks can help AltNets deliver improved connectivity

Tom Brook, from Broadband for Surrey Hills (B4SH), recently spoke to Neos Networks about his experience within an AltNet. “Gigabit provision will likely be achieved by the national telecoms provider in time, even for almost all of the hardest to reach areas. AltNets have an excellent opportunity to provide services far sooner and in better consultation with those in the hardest to reach locations.” 

However, despite government figures showing Project Gigabit reaching more underserved locations than ever before, more needs to be done to facilitate effective business operations. The government must go further in making connectivity expansion commercially viable – with grant incentives, access rights and wayleaves.

Urban business could also represent a key opportunity for AltNets, with the potential to expand upon their base of connected customers. Urban businesses experience high levels of competition within markets, with greater connectivity giving them the chance to gain a competitive edge.

That’s where UK network service providers like Neos Networks come in.

AltNets must offer market-leading high-capacity connectivity and speeds to meet customer needs. This is achieved by partnering with UK service providers, like Neos Networks. They can extend AltNets’ networks using backhaul connectivity to provide higher capacity fibre connectivity in hard-to-reach locations. 

Through this kind of collaboration, AltNet providers stand to play a leading role in not only delivering Project Gigabit’s targets, but also in realising the economic impact these targets intend to create.

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What is enterprise WAN?

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  • WAN ,
What is enterprise WAN?

An enterprise WAN is a network that allows large organisations to securely exchange information over long distances. Learn why you need a WAN, how they work, and which enterprise WAN solutions could help your business.

What is an enterprise WAN?

An enterprise WAN (wide area network) is a computer network that connects an organisation's premises over long distances to form a single, typically private, network. A WAN joins a series of local area networks (LANs) that may be geographically spread around the country or across borders to form a seamless network of networks.

For example, a bank may use an enterprise WAN to connect the LANs of local branches with the company’s head office. The same WAN may also connect to cloud services or offices worldwide, giving employees access to the bank’s critical assets in one private network.

Why do you need an enterprise WAN?

An enterprise WAN is essential for large organisations to securely connect multiple sites over a wide area to exchange information privately.

Multinationals use WANs to connect their sites around the globe. But they’re essential for any large company with multiple, dispersed sites, especially given the rise of remote working.

An enterprise WAN can:

  • Securely connect remote offices, data centres, cloud storage and employees
  • Provide central access to company resources like databases and software
  • Enable video conferencing, file sharing and other types of real-time collaboration
  • Allow IT staff to monitor and control traffic and applications in use across the network
  • Enforce common policies and security measures

How does an enterprise WAN work?

A traditional enterprise WAN connects a large organisation’s local area networks (LANs) to form a single secure network for data exchange. For example, a supermarket chain might use a WAN to connect the LANs of its head office, warehouses and local stores nationwide.


Passive optical wavelength

Wide area network (WAN)


In a traditional WAN, the networking infrastructure is based on routers and virtual private networks (VPNs). Traffic is typically routed using leased lines or Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), a technology introduced in the early 1990s.

With the rise of cloud computing, remote access and applications like VoIP and video conferencing, enterprise WANs need more flexibility. Today, companies increasingly use Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN), which allows multiple connectivity options and direct connections to the cloud.

However, MPLS-based WANs still have some advantages over SD-WAN. That’s why you need to weigh up specific solutions to see what’s right for your business.

Enterprise WAN solutions

Which WAN technology is right for you will depend on your organisation's size and specific requirements. At Neos Networks, we offer two enterprise WAN solutions designed to meet your needs: IP-VPN and SD-WAN.


Our MPLS-based solution, IP-VPN, is commonly used for connecting organisations with multiple sites or offices and has long been the go-to technology for IT, voice and data networking.

IP-VPN provides 24/7 monitoring and management with support from our Network Operation Centres (NOCs), ensuring continuous uptime and optimal use of network bandwidth. It enables our customers to create a private network across shared infrastructure and prioritise data types to manage the performance of their network.

SD-WAN, one of our enterprise WAN solutions

How IP-VPN works



SD-WAN splits connectivity (the underlay) from the management of traffic on the WAN (the overlay). This creates a single, seamless view of the network regardless of the connectivity used. It also allows you to breakout to the internet locally if that improves performance for end users, as well as connect all your offices to cloud services.

Unlike IP-VPN, managed SD-WAN solutions can access the cloud directly and support Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) for quick and easy deployment.


SD-WAN, one of our enterprise WAN solutions

How SD-WAN works


As more businesses look to integrate cloud services and mobile apps in their networks, many want the flexibility and agility SD-WAN offers. However, IP-VPN may still be the better option for your business, depending on your needs.


Why use IP-VPN? Why use SD-WAN?
Get a dedicated network: A secure, private IP-VPN network is ideal for processing highly sensitive information, like financial, health care or government data. Integrate with the cloud: Direct connection to cloud services allows you to optimise access to cloud-based applications (SaaS, IaaS and PaaS).
Completely control your data: All internet traffic is backhauled to a data centre, allowing real-time data inspection and prioritisation.
Optimise data traffic: Real-time traffic steering lets you prioritise and reroute traffic for greater flexibility.
Ensure enterprise-grade security: A dedicated network allows you to implement industry-specific standards across the WAN. Deploy and scale fast: Zero-touch provisioning makes SD-WANs quick and easy to deploy and scale as your business grows.
Optimise Quality of Service (QoS): Multiple classes of service ensure each application gets the required bandwidth for optimal QoS.
Ensure service agility: SD-WANs are transport-agnostic for maximum flexibility: add new services using virtual WAN overlays.
Get 24/7 managed support: Our Network Operation Centres provide always-on, real-time updates, fault resolution and support.
Maintain business continuity: Central management allows easy network maintenance and troubleshooting.


To find out more and discuss which enterprise WAN solution is best for you, get in touch. We’ll be happy to design a secure, cost-effective, scalable WAN for your business.


Enterprise WAN FAQs

  • What technologies are commonly used in enterprise WANs?

    Traditionally, WANs have used a combination of leased lines, MPLS and VPNs to connect local area networks. As businesses move to cloud services (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS), they’re increasingly using SD-WAN, which combines various WAN technologies to optimise network traffic and integrate cloud services.

  • What are the main challenges of implementing an enterprise WAN?

    The challenges of implementing an enterprise WAN include high initial set-up costs, ensuring network security, and maintaining and optimising the network. Designing a WAN that you can scale to meet the changing needs of your business is critical.

  • How do enterprise WANs ensure security?

    Enterprise WANs may use a combination of firewalls, role-based access controls, intrusion detection systems and end-to-end encryption, depending on the type and structure of the WAN. Standard security policies define how the WAN should be configured, maintained and accessed. IP-VPN-based WANs provide additional security by ensuring data isn’t sent across the public internet.

  • What role does Quality of Service (QoS) play in an enterprise WAN?

    Quality of Service (QoS) refers to technologies used to manage and prioritise data traffic on a network. Both SD-WAN and IP-VPN technologies can prioritise traffic to ensure sufficient bandwidth and minimal latency for critical applications.

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