What is Hybrid WAN? | Neos Networks

What is Hybrid WAN?

Simply put, a hybrid WAN uses two different WAN circuits to transmit traffic between an organisation’s sites and data centres. These circuits can be used in a variety of combinations: a broadband and an MPLS circuit, a broadband and a cellular circuit, an internet and MPLS circuit, and so on.

What is hybrid WAN?

Simply put, a hybrid WAN uses two different WAN circuits to transmit traffic between an organisation’s sites and data centres. These circuits can be used in a variety of combinations: a broadband and an MPLS circuit, a broadband and a cellular circuit, an internet and MPLS circuit, and so on.

The secondary circuit can be used to provide backup in case the primary circuit fails or is performing badly due to congestion. Or the secondary circuit can play a more active part in a network strategy, supplying additional resiliency and reliability. Hybrid WANs do, however, need managing if they are to use the secondary as anything other than a failsafe.

As the changing business environment sees more streaming, videoconferencing and use of the cloud, hybrid WAN allows firms to complement legacy systems (such as MPLS, perhaps) with systems that better fit today’s requirements (such as SD-WAN). 

What are the benefits of using a hybrid WAN?

A hybrid WAN system gives businesses flexibility and opportunities to cut costs. For the many businesses that have an MPLS link, using a second circuit allows them to send traffic directly to the internet, removing the latency that occurs when traffic has to go through a hub or data centre for security checks. This is also a cheaper method of transmission, and one which is well suited to cloud-based software.

Non-critical applications can go through the secondary circuit, leaving the MPLS connection to handle more business-critical loads. While hybrid WANs offer improved management of connections and efficiencies rise out of this, the optimal way to manage hybrid WAN systems is through the involvement of an SD-WAN. 

How does SD-WAN compliment hybrid WAN?

For all their advantages, hybrid WANs aren’t very intuitive. They will usually continue to direct traffic over the same route until that preferred route becomes unavailable.

To really benefit from the efficiencies that come with hybrid WANs, SD-WAN needs to be incorporated. SD-WAN allows IT leaders to manage traffic flows more intuitively, ensuring data goes through the optimal connections at all times. They can reserve their MPLS circuit for business-critical and bandwidth-hungry traffic, directing regular traffic (particularly traffic destined for the cloud) through alternative routes, to save time and money.

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