Our ESG approach - Neos Networks

Our ESG approach

How we’re supporting Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance practices across our business, embedding sustainability in all we do.


At Neos Networks we’re committed to becoming a sustainable business.

Now is the time to declare our commitments in support of this and start delivering against these to implement positive change across our company, the industry, and the planet. 

It is through our ambition, expertise, desire for simplicity, excellent service, and fundamental passion to keep our people safe and well that we’ll build a better, more sustainable business for the future. 

How we can impact and influence our future

There are three key areas that we feel will influence positive change, helping to grow and develop a more sustainable business.

Planet: It's our job to ensure we protect our planet. We plan to do this through: 

  • Taking environmental action: We seek to minimise new digs and to protect bio diversity and enhance habits on our sites. We're investigating carbon offsetting schemes, including peatland restoration. It's important we also maintain our environmental management system certification (ISO14001).
  • Climate impact: We’ve published both our Carbon Reduction Plan and our Net Zero Pledge. We continue to monitor and report on our carbon emissions, to meet our Net Zero Pledge of 2030. 
  • Waste management: Our business is fully supportive of reducing, reusing and recycling waste. We recycle in our offices and are making a conscious effort to minimise printing. On site, we seek to reduce excavation and disposal. On projects we've established a recycling and reuse framework for decommissioning components.  

Practices: A truly sustainable business should be able to demonstrate credibility, authenticity and integrity:

Data & cyber security
Protecting our data, our network and our IT systems is crucial. In doing this we can ensure that our customers connections are secure, and that all sensitive information is safeguarded.
Governance & responsibility
We’ve embedded a number of corporate policies across our business. We also include assessments on sustainability in our gate reviews and bid processes. We're also aligning to ISO20400, to drive sustainability in our supply chain.
Culture & Great Place to Work
We’ve introduced a ‘work your way’ initiative to the business. This enables us to support our colleagues with flexible/hybrid working, while also enabling them (and in turn us) to reduce our carbon footprint. We also have an ongoing focus on Great Place to Work, holding regular surveys and feedback sessions to really get under the skin of how our colleagues think and feel about the business.

Supporting ESG practices

As part of our ESG practices we have specifically established the following

ESG related e-learning
We’re developing and rolling out training courses that help educate our people, maintaining our strong ethical focus, as we become a more sustainable business.
Employee Consultation Forums
We’ve set up consultation forums with our colleagues to help shape business decisions, improve performance and work more closely together.
Full transparency
Our pricing tool, LIVEQUOTE, enables our customers to have complete control over their quotes and offers clear and transparent quoting from all key UK providers, giving users fair choice.