Why high capacity connectivity is here to stay - Neos Networks

Why high capacity connectivity is here to stay

Director of Wholesale Business Development, Simon Willmott, Neos Networks

In a time where reliance in connectivity is more important than ever before, fibre connectivity providers are in a fortunate position.

When it comes to the much-discussed digital future, the telecoms industry has always been ahead of the curve, pre-empting the importance of being able to wholly rely on underlying connectivity from the get-go, looking at solutions that ensured business continuity, enabling remote working and providing the ability to flex services as required.

Spiceworks Ziff Davis uncovered some interesting findings earlier this year with 76% of businesses planning on long-term IT changes and over 80% of businesses surveyed expect IT budgets to grow or stay steady over the next 12 months.

What does this mean for connectivity providers?

Quite simply, it means that now – more than ever before – your customers are looking to future-proof their IT and technology.

Connectivity has always been crucial to businesses, but as more companies embrace a digital approach to working it has become apparent that investing in IT infrastructure is of upmost importance.

This opens up opportunities for Service Providers to offer higher bandwidth, secure, reliable connectivity options, like 10Gbps Ethernet. High capacity solutions, like this, enable growing businesses to provide better connectivity to their corporate networks ensuring optimum availability and access to company data, shared services and even overlaying connectivity solutions, like cloud solutions. By making this access seamless employees can work efficiently and effectively remotely.

The importance of staying connected

Ensuring connectivity is always and on, and above all – secure, is critical for any business, regardless of industry.

Just last year, the World Health Organisation reported that cyber attacks had increased five-fold. A terrifying statistic, particularly for businesses that deal with vast amounts of personal or mission-critical data.

It’s imperative that the connectivity options available offer the highest levels of security alongside in-built business continuity options. This is where high capacity Ethernet comes in thanks to its MPLS architecture. Multiprotocol Label Switching means routes can be automatically determined and re-routed instantly should a problem on the network occur.

Renowned for providing reliable connectivity to facilitate layer three and four services, our 10Gbps Ethernet service provides the simplicity of a private, secure connection alongside in-built business continuity. We even offer Shadow VLANs for additional resilience should it be required.

High flying, high capacity

For many businesses, the need to increase their capacity directly aligns with their digital transformation goals. To power their systems and programmes to the best of their abilities, the right infrastructure must be in place.

We also must consider the future advances in technology; 5G, IoT, IIoT, Artificial Intelligence and more. These exciting innovations in the tech space will, inevitably, require high capacity backhaul in order to support their applications.

And of course, it’s crucial to remember that for those businesses still growing, having underlying connectivity that offers the ability to scale is crucial.

All of the above lends perfectly to the conclusion that high capacity connectivity is not just important, it’s here to stay. To be a considered connectivity provider, it’s imperative that you have options available to your customers to support their future needs. Without adapting your product offering to the fast-changing needs of your customers you risk losing your customers to someone who can. The fruit has never been so low hanging. Now’s the time to reach out and grab it.

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