How SD-WAN simplifies network management | Neos Networks

How does SD-WAN simplify network management?

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  • SD-WAN ,

SD-WAN offers network management solutions that can simplify operations, reduce workloads and optimise connectivity. Find out more today.

How does SD-WAN simplify network management?

Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN), enable businesses to better understand the performance of their WAN networks. These software-based network management solutions deliver better-than-ever visibility, allowing IT decision-makers to make more informed choices around capacity, security and flexibility.

In this article, we explore SD-WAN, the opportunities and challenges of using traditional WAN, and how SD-WAN can simplify your network performance.

What is SD-WAN?

SD-WAN is a software layer that allows you to manage a network of networks. It’s a highly efficient and advanced way to connect a group of local area networks (LANs) in to a Wide Area Network (WAN), allowing multiple locations to communicate with each other seamlessly.

Unlike traditional WAN deployments, SD-WAN services are designed to support an increasingly remote and mobile workforce. They are far more flexible and scalable, allowing organisations embracing cloud computing an option to scale quickly and more seamlessly.

What are the challenges of using traditional WAN?

Traditional WAN was created before widespread cloud adoption. It just wasn’t designed for a business landscape where bandwidth prioritisation, granular data visibility and app performance under heavy load are continually demanded of a network.

As hybrid working has become the norm, the WAN situation has grown more challenging. If you combine a widely dispersed workforce with applications that are also accessed by partners, contractors, vendors and customers, then traditional WAN infrastructures create many security and performance challenges.

With digital transformation comes opportunity, but it also uncovers the limitations of traditional WAN.

Six ways SD-WAN can simplify network management

There are many reasons why you need SD-WAN, and it provides a wide range of advantages for business. Here are some of the key ways in which it can simplify network management for you.

Central management

SD-WAN enables central visibility and management of multiple sites, reducing complexity, duplication and cost. By assigning several sites to a policy template, a network manager can apply updates to all the assigned sites together, with changes rolling out near-instantaneously.

Web-based consoles

Speedy configuration and deployment of hybrid WAN links is easy with SD-WAN’s web-based interfaces, regardless of the type of underlying connectivity. In contrast, with traditional WAN, each router would have to be configured on an individual basis.


Built-in automation capabilities allow network managers to implement dynamic responses to changes in traffic conditions. Examples include increasing bandwidth without sacrificing the quality of service when a user suddenly adds video to a voice session, or allowing applications to automatically switch from one link to another when congestion occurs.

Through reporting

SD-WAN’s granular system reporting and enhanced visibility allows network administrators to use bandwidth more efficiently. This ensures high levels of performance for critical applications without sacrificing security or data privacy, delivering the optimal user experience on a highly personalised case-by-case basis.

Increased security

With the ability to orchestrate comprehensive end-to-end security protocols, SD-WAN helps businesses to minimise any cybersecurity risks.

Optimised cloud connectivity

SD-WAN allows seamless connection with multiple public clouds, including real-time optimised performance for all the major SaaS applications, like Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Google Workspace and more. Optimised workflows for cloud platforms such as AWS and Microsoft Azure make SD-WAN a must-have component for any business on a journey of digital transformation.

Is SD-WAN the right move for your business?

If you’re looking to improve network performance and adapt quickly in times of change or disruption, SD-WAN should be a key consideration. With stable, reliable and more control and visibility than ever before, SD-WAN simplifies your network management and places your business in a highly competitive position. To explore your options in more detail, contact one of our experts today.

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